Pica9's Standard Development Configuration Offerings

Our development team can implement add ons to your standard CampaignDrive configuration (such as data feeds and SSO) and make your use of CampaignDrive more efficient

  • What types of development configurations does Pica9 offer?
    • SAML SSO – Improve your login experience by implementing a SAML SSO. This will allow your End Users to securely access your CampaignDrive platform via your company Intranet and remove the need to remember a password.
    • Location Feed – If your organization has a large number of locations that is constantly growing or data is changing frequently, implementing a recurring location feed will make the management process of your locations much easier.
    • Content Feeds – Tying your templates to the content database creates a much stronger and dynamic experience for your End User community. Set up a content feed that will import your organization's custom content automatically (information sets like agent contact information, event information, product information, property information and more) and get more out of your templates. 
  • What's included in each of our standard development configurations
    • Scoping/Discovery of the Project
    • Development
    • Testing/QA
    • Project Correspondence - Both Internal and External
    • Release of the Feature