Question: Why is My Vendor Not Receiving Emails?

If your vendor has changed the email where they receive order information, or if the email has been blocked, then your vendor will not receive order emails.

Reason 1: Your Vendor Now Wants to Receive Emails at a Different Email

When a CampaignDrive system is tied to a production vendor, the Vendor is based on a user account associated with a specific email. If that email changes, then a new user will need to be associated with the existing vendor. 

Be aware of the following when updating users associated with a vendor. 

  • When the user is switched, the original user will no longer be able to access the Vendor Pickup area.
  • Order information is associated with the Vendor and not the user so there will be no information loss when the user is updated. 
  • Billing accounts and pricing items will update automatically - no changes are required here.

Reason 2: Has Been Blocked by IT

If emails coming from are being blocked by the IT department, then the Vendor will need to whitelist the email. 

If your vendor is still not receiving emails

If neither of these solutions works to resolve the issue of vendors not receiving emails, reach out to your Pica9 Customer Success Manager and they will help you to resolve the issue.