Users and Locations

Defining users and locations with the CampaignDrive system.


Users represent access to a given CampaignDrive platform in the form of a single user/email.

Each user:

  • Has a first and last name
  • Has an email and password
  • Has a role/set of permissions
  • Is associated with Brands (i.e. the user has access to all locations), Location Groups (i.e. the user has access to a repeatable set of locations), or Location(s) (i.e. the user has access to one or more locations).   

Below is an example of a user record:
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 2.41.17 PM

Review your Pica9 contract and determine if there is a limit on the number of users. There could be additional fees if additional locations are added to the system. 

For security and user experience reasons, a single person should have their own account. A single User account should not be shared amongst multiple users. 


Locations are the connections between users and content in CampaignDrive. Locations can be physical stores, departments within an organization, states in the U.S., parts of a workflow, etc. Every user must be associated with at least one location, if not more. 

Below is an example of a location record: 

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 2.44.22 PM

Each location:

  • Has a name
  • Is associated with a unique identifier
  • Is associated with a brand (required), a region (required), and potentially services (not required.)
  • Has Address information (not required)
  • Can have additional attributes/fields that are specific to the organization (not required). 

Review your Pica9 contract and determine if there is a limit on the number of locations. There could be additional fees if additional locations are added to the system.