End Users can initially gain access via self-registration, a manually created account or an SSO.
End Users gain access to CampaignDrive via one of three methods:
- Users go directly to the login page of your CampaignDrive instance and request access. This is called "self-registration". Access can be set up to be granted automatically or require approval.
- Site administrators manually create accounts for new users. The site administrator will need the user's full name, email address and the desired level of access/brands/locations. Once this information has been gathered/determined, the site administrator will set up the user's account along with and initial password and communicate this information to the user; this part of the process occurs outside of CampaignDrive.
- Users gain access to CampaignDrive via an SSO (Single Sign On). Unlike login access, the SSO enables customers to grant their users access to CampaignDrive from a link on the customer’s corporate site without directly logging into the system.