Campaign Item Information Form: User Options for Digital Items

This article provides details about the User Options section of the Campaign Item Information form for all digital template item types.

The fields for Digital templates are almost identical to those for print templates; however there is no option for PDF output from a digital template.

User Options - Digital Templates Form


User Options Field Descriptions for Digital Templates

Customization: Default is “on.” When customization is turned off, the template may only be viewed and downloaded. This setting cannot be used when customization is required on the template.

View Type - Form or Studio:  View type determines the interface for the End User inside the template compose environment. Studio is the default and is the same as the template view on the back-end.  Studio view is used in certain situations to create a simplified End User interface or for Batch templates. Click here [d]for documentation on the Batch End User experience.

Can Add:  Selecting any of these boxes will allow the End User to add this field type to the template. Default for these settings is unselected.

Download: When the Download toggle is activated, this enables download buttons in several places: On the Success Page after a document has been created and on the My Documents page in the “My Stuff” tab.

Direct: This is an additional download setting. If enabled, this will display a download button directly on the Template button and allow the End User to bypass entering the template to download the document. Note - this CANNOT be used if the template requires the End User to change information within the template.

JPG:  Automatically enabled for digital templates.

Order Via Pricing Items: Use this field to associate a pricing item to the template.  If selected, this enables an “Order” button on the Success page, on the My Documents page and, if “Direct” is selected, on the template information button.  See documentation on Ordering[e] for more information.