The User Logger Report

Introduction to the User Login Report and how it is used.

What is the User Login Report?

The User Logger Report is a reporting interface under the Reporting section of CampaignDrive. It serves as a log for every user's access to a unique page on the site. The log goes back to the creation of the site. You can search and sort the different fields available.

Data Fields in the Report

All fields are sortable, and the User, Page, and Action fields are searchable in the top search bar. Please see below for a more accurate description of each field.

Logger User ID: Specific ID for each interaction/log 

User: User's name and email

Page:  The slug, all the URL information after [sitename], where the action was measured

Action: Provides a more general specified area of where the action took place. A list of actions exists here

Timestamp:  The time of the logged action in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

IP Address: The IP the User was logged in under at the time of action

Brand: The Brand the User was logged in under at the time of action

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Potential Usage for this Report

The user logger can help answer questions like:

  • Mapping a particular user's journey through the site. This report, in conjunction with the Top Pages visited, can provide clarity on Admin/End User activity. Search for a particular user and use the timestamp and the page URL to map how a user interacted with the site and in what order.
  • Who approved a document or user? Using the reports timestamp feature in conjunction with user activity can help determine the admin who was the approver.
  • Checking login timing.  If two users are logged in as the same account (with the same email address), then it's possible for one user to override another user's location selection. This can cause unexpected results in template generation.  The report can spot if this occurred.  This is one reason Pica9 does not recommend sharing of user accounts.