Campaign Item Information Form: User Display

This section will provide details about the User Display section of the Campaign Item Information form for all item types.

The User Display is the second section of the Campaign Item Information form, which will provide details about the item name, description and thumbnail. The User Display section is the same for all Item types.  The only difference is that, for Asset item types, the Display Name and thumbnail are automatically populated.



User Display Field Descriptions

Display Name: This is the name that will appear to the End User in the top left of the template button on the front end. and will appear on the left side in the Campaign Information page.  This is NOT the same as the name of the template. For assets, it is pre-populated with the name of the asset in the Media Library. This name may be edited. If edited, it only changes the name in the campaign - it will not change it in the Media Library. For templates, this must be filled in.

Short Description: This will appear underneath the name. in the template button on the front end and in the Campaign Information page.

Additional Details Link Label: This is the text of the link that is used when the Additional Details field is used. This field must be filled in if there is any content in the Additional Details field. This text appears in the lower left corner of the template button on the front end.

Additional Details:  This field can be used to add information about the template. It can also be used for keywords to aid in Search.  This field appears as a pop-up when the Additional Details Link Label is clicked.

Thumbnail: This appears on the right side of the template button. For assets, this is pre-populated. Image assets will show a thumbnail of the image.  Other asset types have special thumbnails. Template assets have thumbnails that are generated once the Campaign Item has been added to the campaign.

Sample of a template information button for an Asset (note the collateral type above the name):

Sample of How this looks in the Campaign Information Page: