Understanding Document Output Settings

System Administrators can define what types of output options are available to End Users when they finish a document.

System Administrators can set the output options for documents that End Users create in the platform. The available options are below:

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These configurations determine what an End User sees when they complete a document:

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Print Templates

Output Method: All print templates must have an explicit output option; print documents are either downloadable, orderable, or both. If a template has a pricing item applied and the "DOWNLOAD" toggle is set to "Off" then the document is not downloadable.  If the pricing item is removed, the "DOWNLOAD" toggle will automatically turn on.

Direct Download: Direct download will appear as an option for any template that does not require user customization.  If this is enabled, a download button will appear on the thumbnail in the campaign.  If any layer in the template has "required" turned on (image or text layer), this will turn off and lock the "Direct" toggle.

Output Type: Print templates can be output either as a JPEG or a PDF file. Administrators can either restrict this to one or the other or allow both. 

Crop Marks Control, if turned on, allows the End User to remove crop marks if the original template has bleed enabled. If this control is either turned off or bleed is not enabled on the template, this control will not show to the End User.

The Grayscale option allows End Users to download a grayscale version of the artwork. For colors that are stored in the Fonts and Colors table, the System will pull the grayscale value. Any photos or artwork will be converted to grayscale mode. 

File Size and Quality: End Users will also have the ability to choose the rate of compression for the final outputted file. 

  • They can download the Original File with no compression. This is the preferred output when a PDF is going to a professional printer. 
  • They can download the Moderate Reduction version, which compresses the file artwork so that the file is smaller than the original, but doesn't lose significant amounts of image quality. 
  • They can download the Aggressive Reduction version, which is the most amount of compression available and ideal if a document has to fit into an email. 

Reviewing Final Output Sizes

Reviewing the file download size should be a part of the testing process when Template Composers are creating a new template. The Original File size will be roughly the sum of all the asset weights/typography in a document; both the Moderate Reduction and Aggressive Reduction will be a percentage amount of the Original File size.

If a document is uploaded into another system once outputted out of CampaignDrive, Template Composers should confirm that the files generated meet all the criteria for the next system in the workflow chain. If a file is too big or too small for the next step in the workflow, then the Template Composer will need to adjust the size of the individual template components until they meet all requirements. 

Digital Templates

Output Method: Digital templates have the ability for their documents to be downloadable or orderable, or both.

Output Type: The only output option for digital templates is a JPEG file.  Note - for digital templates with a single page the output will be as a jpg image. For templates with multiple pages, the download will be a zipped folder of images.

File Size and Quality: Similar to print templates, digital templates have three levels of compression; Max, Medium, and Low. Max reflects the original artwork without compression; Medium balances the image quality with a moderate reduction in size, and Low features the smallest file size with the tradeoff of having the lowest image quality. 

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HTML Templates

Output Method:  HTML Templates do not have configurable output options because the delivery method is determined by the system. If page publishing is enabled, the HTML document will publish to a URL. Landing pages are made publishable by Pica9 once a publishing environment is set up, a hosting agreement is signed and the brand team indicates which templates should be publishable. If page publishing is not enabled, the End User will download a zip package of the HTML file.