Using the CampaignDrive Theme Manager to Customize the UI of Your Instance

System Administrators can adjust fonts, colors and layouts of the CampaignDrive home pages to create a consistent brand experience.

In today’s modern business environment, internal associates benefit from consistent brand journeys as much as external consumer audiences. Internal tools have the opportunity to reinforce the brand's look and feel as well as tone and messaging. With CampaignDrive’s site theming functionality, Admins can customize their instance of CampaignDrive to use their organization’s colors, fonts, and internal lingo to create a brand store that is consistent with their company DNA.  

Customizable Themes for Brand-Centric Admins 

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The Themes module is located in the Admin area of CampaignDrive and under the System tab. 

The Themes functionality is an easy-to-use tool for CampaignDrive Admins to update the look and feel of their particular instance. The best part? This feature is completely self-service; no need to contact your Customer Success Manager every time you want to change a Tile. 

(Want to look at more advanced ways to customize your instance? Give us a shout.)

Admins can adjust the following for each of their CampaignDrive Brands:

  • Logo
  • Header (fill with color or an image)
  • Footer
  • Primary Color
  • Primary Text Color
  • Accent Color 
  • Accent Text Color
  • Tile images (these can be used to promote Templates, Assets or internal company messaging.

In the far-right hand corner of the Themes module, there is a dropdown for Brand. This feature allows admins to customize the homepage and theme for each brand under their CampaignDrive instance. 

By toggling the Login Screen button on and off, Admins will reveal or hide the theme while users are not logged into the systems (i.e., when End Users are on the Login Screen.)

The Power of Tiles

Definition: Tiles refer to the layout consisting of one primary image and three secondary images on the home page and are standard within the CampaignDrive experience. This is the first page End Users encounter after initially logging into their brand store. 

Upon logging into CampaignDrive, End Users come to their brand store’s home page. Admins have a great opportunity to use the standard tile layout to promote materials within CampaignDrive, drive End Users to the Media Library to access assets or showcase announcements that are specific to their target audience. 

For Primary Tile: Images should be 1170px by 450px, a png or jpg, and 72dpi.

For Secondary Tiles: Images should be 375px by 230px, a png or jpg, and 72dpi.

To upload images for use in Tiles, double-click on the tile you want to update. A module (just like the one shown below will appear. Here, you can upload the desired artwork using the “Upload” button. There are also some flexible-but-optional add-ons to the tile artwork. 

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  • The Tile Heading field is a useful wayfinding tool if your tile artwork doesn’t contain words. This will create a bar that stretches across the top of your artwork, utilizing the Primary Color Swatch (discussed in the section below), and allows Admins to apply a brief description of what the tile will drive to. This feature is optional if words are included in the artwork - just leave the field blank.
  • You can designate button language to go on top of the artwork using the Call-to-Action Button Text field. This button will use the designated Accent Color Swatch (discussed in the section below). This feature is optional if words are included in the artwork - just leave the field blank.
  • The Tile Destination URL directs End Users to a specific page within CampaignDrive. Tiles can be used to drive to:
    • The general Campaign page
    • A specific Campaign page
    • The Media Library
    • An End User’s profile page so they can adjust their login information. 
    • A specific section of the My Stuff area, such as My Documents. 

Identifying and Changing Primary/Accent Colors

The Primary Color tool adjusts the colors of the menu bar and all panel headers. RGB or HEX color formulas are accepted here. 

To see which elements the Primary Color is applied to, hover over the Primary Color Swatch on the right hand side of the module. The affected areas will be highlighted in teal. 

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To change the Primary Color, double-click the Primary Color Swatch and the color picker will appear for you to input your company’s color formula or choose a color from the color gamut.Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 3.01.52 PM

The Accent Color tool adjusts the colors of the action buttons on the site, the links and the highlight color for the top menu bar. Like the Primary Color tool, Accent Color uses RBG and HEX color formulas.  

To see which elements Accent Color is applied to, hover over the Accent Color Swatch on the right-hand side of the module. The affected areas will be highlighted in teal. 

To change the Accent Color, double-click the Accent Color Swatch and the color picker will appear for you to input your company’s color formula or choose a color from the color gamut.

Identifying and Changing Primary/Accent Text Colors

The functionality for identifying and changing text colors in CampaignDrive is very similar to changing the system theme colors. 

To see which elements Primary Text Color or Accent Text Color is applied to, hover over the “A” in the Primary Color Swatch on the right-hand side of the module. The affected areas will be highlighted in teal.

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To change the Primary Text or Accent Text Color, double click the “A” in the Primary Color Swatch and the color picker will appear for you to input your company’s color formula or choose a color from the color gamut.

Custom Styling

Custom styling is an option within CampaignDrive to change the standard layout if your company’s needs require it. 

Examples of how you could use this functionality: 

  • Hide the standard four-tile layout and apply a site-part design
  • Change the appearance of the navigation bar
  • Change the system font to one of your brand fonts

This feature is available under Advanced Settings – contact your Customer Success Manager today to see how your team can take advantage of custom styling. 

Once Your Company’s Theme is Ready to Launch

Your instance of CampaignDrive has been customized to match your company’s brand guidelines – now what? Launching your new and improved design is as simple as pushing a button. Clicking the Apply button will save your changes and go live with your new design. You will be prompted with an Are You Sure? dialogue box as this action will overwrite any custom styling applied to your CampaignDrive instance. 

If you’re ready to launch, just click Yes!