Front-End Template Testing

Reviewing the front-end experience as an End User to ensure the template functions correctly.

The last step in template installation is a front-end review to make sure that the template meets all the criteria outlined in the Creative Analysis. This is done by testing the template with a location and user role that will match the End User.  The template should be tested for accessibility, content management, output, and ordering to ensure that each step in the creation process is correct.

Testing Process

  • Log in as a user of the appropriate role
  • Navigate to the template and open it
  • Test each editable piece of content
  • Preview the document
  • Depending on the workflow:
    • Finish and save the document
    • Finish the document and add it to a shopping cart (to check pricing items)
  • Download the document and open it in a PDF viewer for a final review of any errors
  • Send the final document to a printer to ensure compatibility (optional)
When going through the testing process review the following checklists as you proceed:

Campaign Information:

  • Is the template in the correct campaign and visible to the correct Users (are regions and services set up properly)?
  • Does the template have the correct collateral type or types assigned to it (will it show up properly in search and reporting)?
  • Does the template have the correct campaign item name and descriptions?
  • Is there a template thumbnail?

Template Information:

  • Does the template open appropriately (default content accessible to the user)?
  • Does the template have the correct template name?
  • Are the document settings correct (template size, any bleed and media, template units of measurement)?
  • Are layers named correctly?
  • Are layers that should be visible showing up?
  • Do the layers show up in the intended order?
  • Are layers that shouldn't be visible hidden?
  • Are pages named correctly?
  • If users can add any or all of the following: a text layer, an image layer, or a new page, are the appropriate controls visible? Note that, if users should be able to update the page color, the permission to add or delete pages must be enabled.

Text Management

  • Test any text layers that have tagged text fields (text, select location user, and content).
    • Do fields have the correct titles? 
    • Text Tags: Are character counts applied, if needed? Are the controls for requiring content and changing content applied correctly?
    • Select Tags: Are all selections present? 
    • User/Location Tags: Does the information populate as expected based on the fields that were programmed? If users should be able to change this information, are they able to? If users aren't supposed to be able to change their information, is the field locked?
    • Content Tags: Is the appropriate content item appearing as the default?  Do all of the appropriate content items show up? Are filters (if used) applied correctly? If users should be able to change some or all of this information, are they able to? If users aren't supposed to be able to change their information, is the field locked?
    • Are styling options correctly applied to fields that need them (for all tag types except content tags)?
  • Is there any text that is intended to be unmanaged, or is all text intended to be managed by tags?
  • For text that is intentionally left unmanaged, has font styling been applied (font family, size, color, etc.)? If not, default settings will populate. 
  • Is any text meant to be scalable? If so, does it scale appropriately when content is applied?
  • Are text layers position-locked and/or content-locked appropriately?

Image Management

  • Check each image to ensure that the correct user permissions are enabled for:
    • Cropping
    • Uploading
    • Requiring a change (if a placeholder image is used)
  • Check each image to ensure that content management is behaving as expected:\
    • Content Groups are correct
    • Content links behave as expected
    • Visibility segmentation (if used) is working appropriately
  • Print quality restrictions are enabled by default in print templates. If they are supposed to be disabled for any specific image layer, check to ensure this has been done.
  • Are image layers position-locked and/or content-locked appropriately?

Output Controls

  • For print templates; does the template have the correct output settings (crop marks control, grayscale control, download control, jpg generation control)?
  • Is the template meant to be orderable? If so, are the appropriate pricing/pricing items assigned?

Dynamic Templates

Dynamic templates have additional testing criteria associated with them:

  1. First test each library template at its original size to check that sizing rules behave as expected.
  2. Test the entire template with a pre-determined QA list which could contain common use cases as well as edge cases.  A best practice is to compile this list and make adjustments over time as needed.
  3. For each test, make any adjustments to sizing rules as needed to maintain acceptable layouts.

Longform Templates

Longform templates have additional testing criteria associated with them:

  • Are the section templates in the correct order?
  • Have groups been created and layers assigned to them appropriately?