"There was a problem getting asset info for this template" Error

If an asset that's used in the content database as a default item has been deleted, the system template composer will not be able to open the template on the backend or the front end.

Assets serve as the foundation for templates in CampaignDrive, either as essential components of the template artwork or as selectable options in content management. System Administrators must be careful when deleting assets in the event they are tied to a content database. 

The Error

If an asset ID used in a content database linked to a template has been deleted from the Media Library, the template will still try to reference the asset. As a result, the System Administrator/template composer will encounter an error message stating, "There was a problem getting asset info for this template." when trying to open the template on the front end or the back end. (Refer to the screenshot below.)

The Solution

To successfully access the template on both the front and backends, it is necessary to populate a relevant content database field with an asset. Once an asset has been added, the template will open without any issues.

Best Practice

In situations like these, it is highly beneficial to have comprehensive documentation detailing the templates and their connections to content databases. During the template installation process, it is recommended to make note of the content databases and default items that were applied.