Table: Steps to Creating a New Local Marketing Template for Your End Users


1. Planning
Perform creative analysis exercise and identify content/data needs, including in-language content
2. File Prep
 Identify installation method (Manual/IDML Import/Clone)
 Identify new fonts and colors
Prepare design/graphics
 Prepare data
3. Campaign Structure/Visibility
Identify destination campaign/Create new campaign structure
Assign campaign-level segmentation and start/end dates
Identify campaign descriptions and install campaign thumbnail
4. Content/Data Prep and Installation*
Create and populate new data categories or update/add to existing data categories
5. Template Installation
 Create/clone/import the template
 Program content links/content group/tags
 Place in campaign and assign campaign item information
 Assign template to the testing environment settings
6. Initial Template Testing
Confirm user experience and content/data accuracy
7. Template Release & Final Review
Remove testing environment settings and assign live environment settings for final review

Perform post go-live review of visibility, UX and content/data with live system connections

*Any content/data installation can be done independently of the template production.