Visual Deep Dive: The Sizing Rules that Affect Image Layers in Dynamically Sized Documents

This is a visual guide that is meant to help System Administrators understand the behavior of each sizing rule related to image layers for dynamically sized templates.

What are Sizing Rules?

Review this article here

Types of Sizing Rules

There are two types of sizing rules to control image layers:

  • Translation sizing rules - how image layers shift in position within a document as the document enlarges
  • Transformation sizing rules - how image layers themselves grow in size as the document enlarges

These two rules work together to move and re-size image layers in dynamically sized templates. 

Types of Translation Sizing Rules

There are two types of translation rules:

  • translation relative to the upper left corner of the document
  • translation relative to another selected reference point

Translation Relative to the Top-Left Corner of the Document.

  • No Slide
    The top-left corner of the image layer does not move as the document resizes
    Image Layer Translation Graphics-1
  • Slide Proportionately (to the New Document Size)
    Moves the top-left corner of the image layer to the new X and Y positions, proportional to the document’s resized dimensions (default setting)Image Layer Translation Graphics2
  • Slide Width Proportionately (to the New Document Size)
    Moves the top-left corner of the image layer to a new X position (proportional to the document’s resized width). The Y position of the image layer will not change.
    Image Layer Translation Graphics3
  • Slide Height Proportionately (to the New Document Size)
    Moves the top-left corner of the layer to a new Y position proportional to the document’s resized height (X position does not change)
    Image Layer Translation Graphics4

Translation Relative to a Selected Reference Point

  • Keep Margin With ...

    Maintains the original distance between a selected reference point of the layer you’re setting the sizing rule for and the selected reference point of another layer or container that you’re trying to maintain a relationship with.
    Image Layer Translation Graphics5

  • Keep Alignment With ...
    Maintains alignment of the selected reference point of the layer you’re setting the sizing rule for with the selected reference point of another layer or container.
    Image Layer Translation Graphics6

Types of Transformation Sizing Rules

There are two types of transformation sizing rules:

  • Those that maintain the original aspect ratio of the image layer
  • Those that change the original aspect ratio of the image layer

Translations that Maintain the Aspect Ratio

  • No Scale
    The dimensions of the image layer do not change as the document size changes. 
    Image Layer Transformation Graphics
  • Scale Proportionately with Crop (to the New Document Size)
    The dimensions of the image layer are resized based on the new document size while maintaining the original aspect ratio. The image is cropped based on a set position defined by the Template Composer. 
    Image Layer Transformation Graphics-1

    Scale Constraining Aspect (of the Original Layer)
    The image layer is resized and keeps the same aspect ratio as the original layer. This is one of the most-used settings for image transformation.
    Image Layer Transformation Graphics6

Translations that Change the Original Aspect Ratio

  • Scale Proportionately (to the New Document Size) (stretches)
    The image layer's width and height are resized proportionally to the document’s resized dimensions. Note the that image is stretched because the original aspect ratio wasn't maintained. 
    Image Layer Transformation Graphics3
  • Scale Width Proportionately (to the New Document Size)
    The image layer’s width is resized proportionally to the document’s resized width. The image layer's height will not change. Note the that image is stretched horizontally because the original aspect ratio wasn't maintained. 
    Image Layer Transformation Graphics4

  • Scale Height Proportionately (to the New Document Size)
    The image layer’s height is resized proportionally to the document’s resized height. The image layer's width will not change. Note the that image is stretched vertically because the original aspect ratio wasn't maintained. 
    Image Layer Transformation Graphics5