Document-Sharing Best Practices

Use the document-sharing feature in CampaignDrive to reduce duplicative work and promote good examples of local marketing.

Teams can promote best practices by sharing high-impact localized print marketing material with other users or locations. End Users will be able to see how other End Users are using print templates effectively, and they can easily create their own localized versions with the Reuse Feature. 

While documents can be shared with other users or other locations, the End User must have the relevant permissions to do so. 

How to Create Document-Sharing Workflows

To create a document-sharing workflow, you need to do the following:

  • Create or edit a role to have the permission(s) you want to assign to a group of users.
  • Assign the users you want to be able to view/share approved print documents to this role.

Permissions Required to Share Documents:

End User Permissions

  • Can view shared documents
  • Can share approved print documents with locations
  • Can share approved print documents with users

Admin User Additional Permissions

  • Can share/unshare all available documents on the All Print Documents report

Examples of Document Sharing

  • A branch manager creates a document for the use of everyone at their branch:
    • An End User shares their document with their location from their My Documents page. 
  • A team lead creates a document for members of the team:
    • An End User shares their document with specific users from their My Documents page. 
  • A designer creates a document on behalf of a field user:
    • An End User shares their document with a specific user from the Document Success page
  • A regional manager creates a document with a special coupon to quickly provide marketing collateral featuring the new offer to all field offices:
    • An admin (the regional manager) shares a document with all locations from the Print Documents Report.

Working with Shared Documents

All shared documents will appear to the shared user or location on the Shared Documents tab in the My Documents area.  

Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 10.05.28 AM

The actions for a shared document will match the original document. 

  • For example: If direct download, pinning, or ordering were all available for the original document, then they will also be available actions for the shared document.

Re-sharing of a shared document is also possible, as long as the user has sharing permissions.

Re-Using a Shared Template

There are some special items to note when re-using a shared document with a location other than the original one:

  • The End User's own user or location information will auto-populate instead of the original document creator's information.
  • Any new drafts or documents created from the shared document will appear on the End User's Drafts or Documents tab instead of the Shared Documents tab.
  • If the original document is unshared after the End User reuses a shared document, it will not affect the End User’s new document.
  • Any images in the re-used document will be in the document on load for the End User to use. However, if the End User updates the image and the original image was not available to that location, they will not be able to re-select that image but must choose one available to them.