Sharing CampaignDrive Documents

How do I share my finished documents?

There are two ways to share documents that you have created in CampaignDrive. The method that you will use depends on who you want to share it with.  If the recipient is another user or location in your platform, you can use CampaignDrive's sharing feature. If the recipient is outside of your platform, you can use CampaignDrive's Boards feature.

Sharing Documents with Other CampaignDrive Users:

If the recipient is another user or location on your CampaignDrive platform, you can use the Sharing feature to share content with them. Click here for a complete article on content sharing within the platform.

Sharing Documents with External Contacts:

CampaignDrive's Boards feature allows Users to share content with recipients outside of your platform.  It has settings that allow you to control how the content is shared.  Click here for the complete article on Boards.