Setting up a Vendor in CampaignDrive

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Vendor Account Set-Up

Setting up a vendor in CampaignDrive is super simple. You will need the below information:

  • The Company name
  • Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Country
  • An email address/user profile that will be used for both logging into CampaignDrive as well as for notifications when an order has been placed
  • The tax rate for orders that are shipping in the same state as the vendor (optional)
  • A shipping surcharge, if applicable (optional)
  • Show Order Comments - you can allow End Users to add comments to their order
  • Require Order Comments - you can require End Users to add comments to their order, such as a PO number. 
  • Show Order Attachments - you can allow End Users to attach items to their order like a spreadsheet. Note that this attachment will not be associated for a specific item in the order. For that functionality, use the Upload pricing item attribute. 
  • Validate phone number - you can require users to enter a 10-digit phone number. 
  • Add/Edit Vendor Fields - you can create new fields for specific information to be supplied along with an order. 

Method of Payment

Vendors can be set up to either accept billing accounts or credit cards. For CampaignDrive to accept credit cards, you will need to supply additional information to Pica9 for the purposes of establishing a relationship between CampaignDrive and the credit card payment processor.  Please speak with a Customer Success Manager at Pica9 as the requirements vary between processors. 


CampaignDrive offers FedEx, UPS, or Staples as default shipping options for buyers. Please speak with a Customer Success Manager at Pica9 if you are not working with either and want to set up a different shipping option.