Getting Your Instance Set Up to Publish Landing Pages Directly to the Web

By default, HTML content will be available as a .ZIP file upon completion. However, System Administrators can set up their instances and templates to publish landing pages directly to the web.

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As of August 2022, it's now possible for CampaignDrive instances to publish landing pages directly to the web. Landing pages will be published to a subdomain(s) of the system administrator's choice. 

Samples of sub-domains might be:


While the subdomain is locked down to the End User, the End User has the opportunity to fill out the information after the subdomain (for example System Administrators also have the opportunity to automatically populate attributes from the location and user table in the URL. For example, the Location Name could be set to automatically append to the URL.

Please note that not all landing page templates have to publish. Template composers can determine which templates they want to directly publish to the web and which templates should be available as "download only". 

Additional Features

Along with the actual publishing of the page, End Users will have the opportunity to set an automatic expiration date for the landing page and a redirect URL that will redirect consumers accessing the page once the landing page has expired. 

Setting Up Landing Page Publishing on Your Instance

In order to set up landing page publishing on a specific CampaignDrive instance, Pica9 will work with the brand team's IT team to obtain permission to publish to the specific subdomain. Once the project SOW paperwork has been signed, there are three steps to setting up landing page publishing. 

  • Step 1: The customer will determine the name of the sub-domain(s) to be dedicated to landing page publishing 
  • Step 2: The Customer's IT team will create the new sub-domain and set the DNS to CNAME
  • Step 3: The Pica9 development team will add the sub-domain configuration to the customer’s CampaignDrive site. Pica9 will also add an SSL certificate to encrypt sub-domain access (if needed).

Once the first two steps are complete, the rest of the process being completed will take two weeks or less to complete. 

Note that there is a fee for setting up CampaignDrive instances to integrate with Pica9's publishing server. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for the latest information.