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  3. Section Style Template Composition/Section Style Groups

Overview: Section Style Templates

Two menus-1

Section Styles are a feature in CampaignDrive that give End Users the freedom to select from various layout options within a designated portion of a print template. These options include populating different numbers of locations, content items (such as products or event information), or employing distinct layout alternatives with varying numbers of photos or columns of text.

Types of Section Style Templates

  1. Item Section Style Template: This template type enables End Users to incorporate a variable number of custom content pieces (content items) stored in the Content Database into their document.

  2. Location Section Style Template: With this template type, End Users can fill a document with information for multiple locations or apply location-specific details that differ from their logged-in location.

Benefits of Section Styles

  1. Reusability: A section style can be employed in multiple templates, and any changes made to the section style will be universally applied to all templates using it.

  2. Independent Layouts: Each layout within the Section Style Group is independent, allowing for optimal design choices for the content.

Know Your Vocabulary: Section Style Terms

  • Section Style Template: A template that defines the layout for a section style. 

  • Section Style Group: A collection of section style templates combined to provide the section style experience on a template. A section style group can consist of one or multiple section style templates.

  • Slot Count: The number of variable items within a template.

  • Index Number: CampaignDrive's way of associating location or content information with a slot number.

  • CONTENT & FORMAT DETAILS [ More Options ]: The part of the text layer editing module where you can apply section styles. 

Use Cases for Section Styles

Customers have utilized section styles in various ways, such as:

  • Displaying a variable number of events, locations, products, or alternative layout options.