Reviewing Orders Generated via the Orders Report

View order transactions that occur on your instance and export data for further analysis.

Orders Report is a reporting interface under the Reporting tab of CampaignDrive. It serves as a log for every order transaction on the site.  

Creating the Report

System Administrators have the ability to select a specific date range and filter by vendor to refine order data. Selecting ALL will show all order information (not vendor specific); selecting a specific vendor will only show orders directed to them.

    Reading the Summary Interface

    This interface shows a summary of the basic information from each order. For more detailed information regarding each order, export a CSV version of the report.

    • ID: CampaignDrive's Order ID for each order. Your vendor will issue a different order ID once they receive the order. 
    • Date Ordered: Date the order was placed in CampaignDrive
    • Brand: Brand the order was placed under
    • Ordered By: Name/Email of user who placed the order
    • Total Amount: Full amount of the order (not the line item of the order)
    • Vendor: Specific vendor for this order
    • Account Name and Number: For Billable Accounts - The billing account name and number of the placed order
    • Order Status: Status of the order (Approved, Rejected, Pending)
    • View Order: Link to see shipping information billing account information and the line items for that order.
    • Delete: Action button to delete the order
    • Comments from Approver: Specific comments from Approver (Approval loop needs to be on for anything to populate in this field)
    • Comments for Vendor: Specific comments entered by the user for the vendor fulfilling this order


    CampaignDrive also allows for an export of the report with specific date ranges and filters applied. There are two types of reports you can export: 

    • Order Information - Will include all information regarding the order, vendor, shipping, billing, comments, and user information.
    • Order Information with Template Data - Will include all the information in the Order Information export plus all data and inputs from a text tag field in the template.