The Tools Template Installers Have to Craft a Dynamic Experience for End Users

These are out-of-the box tools template  installers can deploy to empower end users with choice and maintain brand compliance. Use individually, or use multiple tools in combination. 


CampaignDrive Template Tools

Different UI Options (Studio Compose/Form/Batch)

From the Brand's Perspective: 

Allows the Admin Users to specify the type of template interface displayed to the end user
for print templates

From the End User's Perspective: 

Allows the End User to customize their material with the most appropriate UI

With Batch Configuration: End Users can batch customize multiple materials at the same time. 

Database Connections (Content Database/Location Table/User Table)

From the Brand's Perspective: 

Allows Admin Users to populate templates
with database content

From the End User's Perspective: 

Allows End Users to see content automatically personalized for their location

Template Tags

From the Brand’s Perspective: 

Allows Admin Users to automatically drive
local content to a template

From the End User’s Perspective: 

Allows End Users to select from brand compliant content

Section Styles

From the Brand’s Perspective: 

Allows Admin Users to design multiple layouts within the same template and get ahead of
one-off layout requests

From the End User’s Perspective: 

Allows End Users to select variable amounts
of content

Dynamic Sizing

From the Brand’s Perspective: 

Allows Admin Users to design a small number
of templates to service a wide range of document sizes. 

From the End User’s Perspective: 

Allows End Users to access a single interface
for many sizes of the same document.