Managing Text Tags in the WYSISYG Editor

How to update, change, delete and style text-based tags.

Styling Tags

Any tag can be styled in the WYSIWYG editor, just like any other text content.  To alter the style of the content, just highlight it and make the required changes to font, font size or text color.

Editing A Tag

To edit the tag itself, click anywhere within the tag and select the “Add/Edit Tag” link. The cursor in the screenshot below has been positioned within the User tag for the last name:

After clicking, “Add/Edit Tag” the editor will open up with the information about the tag. At this point, the tag may be edited.

Simple form tags can have any field updated. Data tags may be swapped for any other field within that data type: User tags for any User Table field, Location tags for any Location field, Content tags for any field of the same type (text or image) of any content link created for that template.

Changing Tag Types/ Deleting a Tag

If you need to change the tag to a different type then you will need to delete it and start over.  To delete a tag, simply highlight it in the editor and click “delete” on your keyboard. 

Pro Tip: It is better to delete tags within the editor rather than from the template itself so that you ensure that the tag is completely gone.