Location Management: Adding, Editing and Deleting Locations

The Location table is located on the "Locations" tab of the "Application Settings" page. Click on the "Location" link on the "System" tab of the "Admin" page to get to the "Application Settings" page. Location table information is available for use in templates by using location tags and is also found in various reporting functions in CampaignDrive.

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Locations can be added manually or via a import file (supported formats are JSON, XML). Follow the steps below to add your locations manually and to edit existing locations. 

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To add a new location manually:

  1. Click the Add Location button
  2. Fill in the  fields on the right side of the page. Note: Each location must have a unique identifier. This can be either entered by hand or generated automatically by the system
  3. Click the "Save" button

After creating a location, it will be available to location groups and users via the Application Settings page.

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To edit an existing location:

  1. Click on the location name on the Locations tab (on the left side of the page)
  2. Make your changes on the Locations tab in the form area on the right side of the page
  3. Click the Save button

To delete a location:

Before you can delete a location, you must make sure that no users are associated with the location you want to delete so that access to the platform is not interrupted. To do this, go to the Users tab and use the Export button to export a list of Users and Locations for review.

After you have removed all associations to the location, click on the location name and click the Delete button on the lower right.

Note: Do not delete the Pica9 location. This is used for troubleshooting. 

How to Automatically Create and Edit Locations

Locations can be imported automatically as a one-time import or on an ongoing basis to create new locations and updating existing ones. For more information, see "Location Import".

Need More Help?

If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager at Pica9.