Managing HTML Documents on the Front End

There are two areas in "My Documents" where End Users can manage their HTML documents - HTML Documents and HTML Drafts

All HTML Documents (email, landing pages, and animated banners) are managed from the HTML Documents and HTML Drafts tabs in the End User's Manage Documents area. HTML Drafts are considered drafts when a document has been started but not "Finished". Documents that have been "Finished" move to the HTML Documents tab. 

HTML Documents

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In the HTML Documents area, End Users can see and sort their documents by: 

  • The status of the document they created (Approved or Pending Approval)
  • The name of the document they specified
  • The template the document came from
  • The date the document was created
  • The published landing page URL (if applicable)
  • The expiration date of the landing page (if applicable)
  • Available options include preview, reuse and download. If landing page publishing is enabled, then the option to unpublish will also be available.
    • Reuse works similarly in HTML templates as it does in print templates. Reusing an already created document saves the End User time by creating a copy of a document they've already generated with their previous inputs.
    • For example, if an End User customized an event with lots of event details that remain the same month-to-month and only the date and time change, then the End User could reuse the Event document from the previous month and only have to update the date and time. 

HTML Drafts

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In the HTML Drafts area, End Users can see and sort their documents by: 

  • The status of the document they created
  • The name of the document they specified
  • The template the document came from
  • The date the document was created
  • The options to load the draft and continue editing it or the option to delete the draft.