Managing HTML Templates on the Back End

System Administrators can edit, clone, and delete templates from the HTML Templates Table.

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The HTML Composition page lists each HTML template installed on your system. The right-hand column has three buttons for the back-end management options. 

  • Edit - Opens the template for editing (everywhere it is assigned)
  • Clone - Creates a copy of the template (not assigned to any campaign)
  • Delete - Removes the template from your system (and any campaign it is associated with)

HTML-Based Templates Assigned to Campaigns Behave Differently Than Layout-Based Templates

HTML-based templates do not have a Master version of the template and a campaign version of the template like layout-based templates do.  There is a single version of the template that can be assigned to multiple campaigns.  

Removing the template from a campaign does not delete the template in other campaigns; however, deleting the template from the HTML Templates table will delete it from every campaign it is associated with.

The same behavior holds true for edits made to templates. Edits made to a template will appear everywhere the template is assigned.  Therefore, we strongly recommend creating duplicate HTML-based templates for each campaign the template is assigned to, especially if the template has minor tweaks per campaign.