Using Location/Services for Template Approvals by External Teams

How to configure a location/service segmentation to allow special groups to view and approve templates.

Template Composers create new templates based on the received creative and the user experience outlined in a creative analysis. It is recommended that new templates undergo testing before being released to End Users. This testing and review can be done by the template composers, system administrators, or teams other than the CampaignDrive administrator teams. If there's a need for an external team to review the End User experience prior to going live, system administrators can configure a  location/service combination that will allow business owners to review and approve the template before the general End User community and without seeing other templates that are in-progress by template composers.

Creating a Review/Approval Location and Service

The creation of a location and service for reviewing/approving templates is no different than other locations/services. This workflow would just require

  1. A new location in the Location Table
  2. A new service in the Brands, Regions, and Services table. 
The screenshot below demonstrates this combination. The names of the location and the appropriate service should be clearly labeled:

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 1.19.39 PM

Non-physical locations don't require the address fields to be filled out; just the name of the location, the unique identifier, the region, and the brands. However, it is recommended that any fields that can appear on templates have default data so that templates will accurately reflect the End User experience.  Make sure that the appropriate service is assigned to the location.

Assigning Users to the Template Review/Approval Location

Once the location has been created, users can be assigned to this location. It is possible that a user is only assigned to this location, or that they have access to this location in addition to other locations.

Logging into the System to Review Templates

Users who have access to ONLY the Template Review/Approval location will automatically be assigned to that location upon log-in. Users who have access to additional locations will need to select that location in the brand switcher in the upper right-hand corner of the platform. 

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 1.26.26 PM

Users with only access to this location will only see campaigns that contain materials assigned to the template review/approval service. Selecting a campaign will show which templates are to be reviewed.

It is often convenient to provide reviewers with a direct URL link to the template.  Note that the reviewer should first log into the platform before clicking the link. Otherwise, they will be brought to the login page to enter their credentials.

Approving/Requesting Template Changes

Approvals or required changes to the template are communicated back to the Template Composer outside of the CampaignDrive environment. If there are changes to be made to the template, the Template Composer can choose whether they want to adjust the visibility back to just themselves or make the changes while the template is live to the Template Approver. 

Releasing Templates

When the template is approved the Template Composer will remove the Template Review/Approval service and set the live segmentation strategy (if any.)