Use Labels, Translations and Locales to Customize the Language in Your CampaignDrive system

These tools allow system admins to "translate" standard CampaignDrive words into your organizations language as well as offer additional language options

Introducing Labels and Translations

CampaignDrive offers two features to customize the messaging throughout the site.  Translations and labels are the two ways that admins can edit the standard messaging to fit their needs. Although these features can be used to translate from one language to another, they may also be used to convert a word or message within the same language. 

Labels are specific standard words throughout the site, such as "Document," "Location" or "asset." The Labels feature allows the admin user to update this specific standard list from the default to something else. Labels are specific to a brand AND a locale.  To apply a label across all brands, it must be updated in each brand. 

Translations allow an admin to customize a specific set of characters - a word, sentence or paragraph,  in CampaignDrive.  In order to use translations,  the exact portion of copy that needs to be updated needs to be known.  Translations are not brand specific so the translated copy will appear site-wide. There is no on/off switch for translations at this time; if the site no longer requires the translation, it must be deleted.

A couple of points about translated text:

  1. In this context, "Translations" does NOT refer to the site converting all text into a certain language, but is a CampaignDrive feature to replace a specific word, sentence or paragraph with a new version.
  2. The translation of site messaging is completely independent of the template creation experience - translations in site messaging are completely separate from language options within templates.

Introducing Locales

A locale is a set of language- or country-based preferences for a user interface. A program draws its locale settings from the language of the host system. Among other things, locales represent paper format, currency, date format, and numbers according to the protocols in the given region. Locales are not unique to CampaignDrive, but are a standard internet application. Any new CampaignDrive instance starts with two default locales: US English and Canadian French. 

Note: If you want to add a new locale, CampaignDrive uses a specific set of locale codes. It is important for admins to use these only these codes when adding locales to CampaignDrive; because these are a foundational part of locales, using an incorrect code could cause the system to be unavailable. 

  • For English (US), use en_US   
  • For French (CA), use fr_CA    
  • For German (GER), use de_DE    
  • For French (FR), use fr_FR    
  • For Swedish (SE), use sv_SE    
  • For Spanish (US), use es_US