Campaign Item Information Form: Key Information for Assets

This section will provide details about the Key Information section of the Campaign Item Information form for adding assets.

The Key Information is the first section of the form, which will provide details about the item type, how it is searched for and the visibility both in time and to whom. This article details the Key Information section of the form for "Asset" item types.

Key Information Form - Assets

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Key Information Field Descriptions for Assets

Select Asset: Use the Select Asset button to associate an asset ID with a campaign item. Clicking Select Asset will open a search dialogue box for the Media Library and you can either page through the assets until you find what you need, or search the asset ID directly. Once you click the asset in the dialogue box and click Apply, it will be added the campaign item. 

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Once you save the campaign item, the associated asset ID becomes locked and not editable. 

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Collateral Type: This field is used to place the item within a standard group of materials to assist End Users in search functions. It will appear above the Campaign Item Name on the front end.

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Start and End Date; Used to show/hide the asset.  If left blank, the asset will immediately be visible and never become unavailable.