Parts of the Campaign Item Information Form

Descriptions of the three sections in the Campaign Item Information form: Key Information, User Display, and User Details.

Parts of the Campaign Item Information Form

When a new campaign item is added to a campaign a form appears on the right side of the page which will detail all the information about that item. Many of these fields are the same for all item types, but some will change or become unavailable when different types are selected.

There are 3 sections to the form. Any field with a red asterisk is required.

  • Key Information: This section will provide details about the item type, how it is searched for, and the visibility both in time and to whom
  • User Display: This section provides the details about the name, description, and thumbnail
  • User Options: This area is used for
    • Determining the template display environment
    • Controlling options within the templates for  users to add template elements
    • Download options
    • eCommerce ordering options

Note: HTML campaign items do not have any User Options.