Introduction to the HTML Template Compose Environment

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Once an HTML template is successfully uploaded into CampaignDrive, the template will open and the template composer will see the above interface with a management area on the left-hand side and a preview of the template on the right-hand side. 

HTML Template Compose Features

  • Document Name - this document name is used only on the template administration. This name doesn't appear on the front end. 
  • Save/Finish buttons - "Save" will allow template composers to save their work as they go; finish will save changes and close out the template. 
  • Edit Tab - This is where you can define and style editable slots for End User customization.  Hover over the elements on the right-hand preview pane to see what is eligible as an editable slot. Clicking an image or line of text will make it an editable slot.
  • Organize Tab - This is where template composers can organize editable slots into groups so they appear in an accordion style to End Users. Groups allow End Users to work more efficiently because they can open and close groups as needed. 
  • CSS Tab - This feature has been deprecated and is not currently in use. 
  • Collapse All/Expand All - If the HTML template has a lot of editable slots, then the collapse all and expand all buttons can help template composers focus on a specific area (collapsing all groups and opening them up one by one) or see everything at once (expand all). 

The HTML-Based Template Content Management Behaves Differently Than Layout-Based Templates

As a default, layers in Studio Compose for layout-based templates are editable to the End User; template composers must select which layers they don't want End Users to interact with. In the HTML Template Composer, all content defaults to no editability; template composers must select the images or text to make them editable for the End User.