Introduction to HTML Templates

Quick overview of the HTML Template Compose environment.

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Introduction to HTML Templates in CampaignDrive

CampaignDrive’s HTML template composer allows an Admin User to upload an already created landing page, animated web banner, or email to make text and images customizable for End Users. The finished file can then be downloaded and used outside of CampaignDrive; if the output is a landing page, it's possible for the landing page to be published directly to the web if the CampaignDrive instance is integrated with Pica9's publishing server. 

Important Notes About HTML Compose

  • CampaignDrive's HTML Compose does not build HTML code.  It customizes already existing code with the End User's text and image choices based on fields that the Admin User makes editable in the template. We recommend that you thoroughly test the HTML/CSS code before uploading it to CampaignDrive and before applying content management to the Template. 
  • The following content management options are currently available for HTML templates
    • Text
      • Single and Multiline Text
      • Styleable Text
      • Dropdown text
      • Date and/or Time pickers
        • Locales are available to ensure correct formatting for in-language dates and times. 
      • "Hideable" for hiding individual elements on the final piece
      • "Editable" for allowing End Users to edit individual elements
    • Images
      • Content Groups for Images
        • Configurations include "Can Hide", "Can Edit", "Can Crop" and "Can Upload"
        • Add/edit Content Groups within HTML templates