Installing an HTML Template

How to upload an HTML package into CampaignDrive to create an HTML-based template.

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To install a new HTML template onto the system, go to the “HTML Template Composition” page and click on the “+Add a New HTML Template” button in the upper right. You will be brought to the “HTML Template Composition” upload page. 

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Select "Landing Page/Email" from the template type dropdown for ALL types of HTML templates at this time. Once "Landing Page/Email" has been selected, drag the HTML folder into the uploader and click “Build Page.”

Once the uploader is finished, your template will open in the HTML template editor and be available to edit and manage. If the upload is not successful and you cannot troubleshoot using the HTML template documentation, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Note about images uploaded during HTML upload: These images will NOT appear in your Media Library automatically. If you need the image to be available as a selection later, upload the images directly into the Media Library.