Overview of Master Templates

Introduction to Master Templates


What is a Master Template?

The Master Template is a template that is initially installed on the system in preparation for assigning to campaigns. They are not visible to end users. A master template can be used as the starting point for many other templates, thereby shortening the time it takes to install templates in the future.  Master templates are created one of two basic ways:

  1. Manually installed (layout-based documents)
  2. Imported:
  • via IDML Import ZIP file (print layout templates only)
  • via HTML folder (for HTML templates)

For print-based layout templates (that are intended for print use), the Admin has the choice of manually creating the Master from scratch or from importing the layout straight from InDesign via a method we call “IDML import.”  For digital-based layout templates (layouts that are intended for an online use), the admin will manually install. For HTML-based templates (that are strictly for online use and based in HTML, not layout), the Admin will import the template via HTML import. No matter which method is used, a Master Template will be created and stored in the system which can then be applied to campaigns.

Accessing and Managing Master Templates

Master Templates are accessed and managed through two different pages : The HTML Template Composition Page and the Layout Template Composition page.  Both pages are accessed from the “Content” tab in the Admin area of your site:

Layout Template Composition Page

This page contains the information on both Master and Campaign templates.  By default, the Master Templates tab is open when the page is accessed. From this page you can:

  •  Add a new master manually by clicking the “+ Add New button”
  • Import a print layout template by clicking the “Import IDML Print Template” button
  • View information on all current master templates in the system - including the template type and other information
  • Manage these templates
  • Compose will open the template for editing
  • Clone will create a duplicate template
  • Delete will delete the template from the system
  • Access the Campaign Templates on the system by clicking the “Campaign Templates” tab.

The fields in this table show all the information about the template. Some of this information is entered when the template is created, some of it will be automatically generated by information within or about the template (such as the size and the information about when it was created or modified).

HTML Template Composition Page

This page contains the information on all HTML-based templates in your system.  Many of the actions on this page are the same as those for layout-based templates:

  • Add a new HTML template by clicking on the “+Add a New HTML Template” button.
  • Manage the template by clicking on the buttons on the right side in the row with the template information.

There are a few important differences between Layout-Based templates and HTML-based templates.  Notice that there is no “Campaign Templates” tab here. Instead, there is a column to indicate what campaigns the template is assigned to.  This is because, unlike layout-based templates, HTML based templates have only one version within the system.  Therefore, any edits made to an HTML template will be reflected everywhere this template is visible.  In addition, if the HTML template is deleted, it is deleted everywhere.


Adding a New Master Template

Manually Adding a Layout-Based Template

This option creates a brand new template “from scratch.” All text and images will be added individually and laid out within the editor. Click the “+Add New” button and choose the template type (digital vs print):

Once this selection is made, you will be presented with a pop-up form to enter the template information and continue creating your template.

Adding a Print Layout-Based Template via IDML Import

Click here for complete documentation on how to create and prepare InDesign files for uploading to the system.  If you are creating a master template using this method, you will click the “Import IDML Print Template” button. After clicking, you will be brought to this page:

When adding a template via IDML import, enter the name and a description about the template (these will appear in the table once the template is created).

You will also need to choose the ZIP file for the template.  Once all the information is entered, click the “Submit” button to upload the file. There will be a pop-up notice to confirm the steps in creating the IDML file. Click “Submit” once you have reviewed.

The system will upload your file and produce a master template. When completed, this template will open in Studio view for content management. If there is an error and the template is not generated, the system will show this page:

If you see this error, refer to the IDML import guidelines for troubleshooting.

IDML import will produce a template that is, in many cases, identical to the original InDesign file.  You should not have to re-position image or text layers as they will be in exactly the same place as the original file.  However, there are a few items that do not translate exactly:

  • The width of text boxes will be exact, the height will be larger
  • Custom line-spacing will not translate and will have to be re-applied
  • Text colors MAY not translate if - the colors in InDesign are converted (due to rounding error) OR if the color chip is not created within your system. You may see text that is the appropriate color within the editor window that looks black on the template itself.
  • Fonts will not translate if the font is not installed on your system (they will show in the editor window but not on the template itself)

Adding an HTML Template

Click here for documentation on preparing HTML files for upload into the system and managing the content of HTML templates once they are installed.

To install a new HTML template onto the system, go to the “HTML Template Composition” page and click on the “+Add a New HTML Template” button in the upper right.

You will be brought to the “HTML Template Composition” upload page:

Select the template type from the drop-down. Currently, Landing Page/Email is the type that is generally supported. Once your selection has been made,  drag the HTML folder into the uploader and click “Build Page.”

Just as with the IDML import, once the uploader is finished, your template will open in the HTML template editor and be available to edit and manage. If the upload is not successful and you cannot troubleshoot using the HTML template documentation, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Strategies for Using Master Templates

Often, one of the goals of an Admin is to reduce the time it takes to install a template. Depending on the type of content you have, your approach to using Master Templates might be different. If you have very similar layouts and document sizes, or you have design files that are not built in InDesign, heavy use of Master templates might be a good strategy for you.  Having a Master template with the layout already (or mostly) done can greatly reduce the time it takes to install.  However, if many of your templates are very different from each other in size and/or layout, then using master templates might not benefit you as much. In a case such as this, leveraging the power of InDesign and IDML import would be to your advantage. For these types of layouts, the master template is really just passed through to the campaign. In reality for most users, the approach is blended between these two.  Your Customer Success Manager is an invaluable resource that can help you decide the best approach for you.