Implementing Billing Accounts

Make paying for orders easy with on-account billing in CampaignDrive.

System Administrators have the ability to select what type of payment method is available based on the vendor that is fulfilling the order.

Currently, CampaignDrive can be set up for on-account billing or for direct credit card processing. On-account billing allows vendors to invoice their clients via an invoice/purchase number system.

Please note that billing accounts can only track purchases made within CampaignDrive; if up-to-date billing account balances are required, please contact Pica9 for more information about setting up real-time API connections to transmit information to and from CampaignDrive. 

Managing Billing Accounts

Administrators can manage billing accounts within the Billing Accounts page under the eCommerce Settings in the Admin area. 

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The Manage Billing Accounts page has a table for all the Billing Accounts that have been created for the instance. The table contains the high-level information about the account and several tools for managing the account

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  • Account Name
  • Account Number
  • Account Balance
  • Type of Account (user-based or location-based)
  • Vendors that can post costs against the billing account
  • Status Toggle (Active vs. Inactivate). 
  • Track Balance Toggle (On vs. Off). 
  • Edit button. Opens the billing account for editing. 
  • Delete button to delete the account

Setting Up a New Billing Account

To set up an account, click on the Add a Billing Account button. You will be brought to the following page. Fill out the form field and click the Submit button when finished. Access the information entered from the Manage Billing Accounts page once the billing account has been created.

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There are several fields of information needed to set up a billing account. Some fields are optional and some are required.

  • Account Name - Enter a name for this account (required).
    • Pro Tip:  If this account will require order approval Add "Approval Required” to the name of the Billing Account to alert End Users.
  • Account Number - Enter the number for this account (required).
  • Active - This toggle activates or deactivates the billing account for End Users. This is the same toggle that can be accessed from the Manage Billing Accounts table. 
  • Require Approval - This toggle allows you to require approval. If Require Approval is set to On, then an Approvers list will appear that allows the System Administrator to select specific account approvers. This will also activate the approval workflow for the shopping cart experience.
  • Account Billing Address - System Administrators can configure a specific billing address for the billing account. If this feature is not enabled then the address for the location will be used as the billing account address. 
  • Account Balance Toggle - This is the amount available for purchases (optional). The initial balance is entered by the System Administrator but will update accordingly as orders are processed. The toggle on the Manage Billing Accounts page will also turn this feature on or off.
  • Account Balance Amount - Only appears if Account Balance is turned on. This is the initial account balance. Funds are deducted from billing accounts at the time the order is placed. If the order requires approval and is rejected, the funds, including shipping charges, are refunded to the billing account.
  • Balance Notification Amount - Only appears if Account Balance is turned on. If the available balance goes below the amount specified, an email notification is sent out to specific billing account approvers. The system default is $100 but can be changed. If left blank, the system will set the amount to $0.
  • Type - Billing Accounts can be associated with specific users or locations. 
    • Note: If your CampaignDrive platform has SSO enabled and billing account information is being passed by the SSO, then the "Type" of the billing account that is being passed in the SSO must match what is stated in the billing account area of CampaignDrive. If they don't the End User will receive an error message.  
  • Location/User - Depending on the billing account type selected, all users or locations in the platform will appear but none will be selected; users or locations can be added to the billing account by clicking on the checkbox next to the name. Multiple users or locations can be assigned to a billing account. 
  • Vendors - System Administrators can allow specific vendors to post costs against specific billing accounts. By default, all vendors in the platform will appear but none will be selected; vendors can be added to the billing account by clicking on the checkbox next to the name. Multiple vendors can be assigned to a billing account.