How to Share Documents with Other CampaignDrive Users or Locations

The "Sharing" feature allows Users to share material with other users or locations within the CampaignDrive environment.

Sharing Documents within CampaignDrive

Once a document has been generated and is available in the user's My Documents area and if they have the relevant sharing permission, the user will be able to share that document with other users and/or locations in CampaignDrive. If the user wishes to share a document with someone outside of CampaignDrive, they would use the "Pin to Board" feature.

Before a document has been shared, the user will have a Share button as an option on the Document Success page as well as in the My Documents area. 

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Once a document has been shared with other users or locations, then the "Share" button will change to Edit Share. 

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Upon clicking Share, the End User will see this dialogue box. Depending on their permissions, the End User will be able to share with individual users, entire locations, or both users and locations. 

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Once the user has selected users, locations, or both, they can click Share, which will share the document and send an email notification to the selected recipients that a document has been shared with them. 

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Below is an example of an email message that the recipient of the share will receive once a document has been shared with them. This email may look different on your instance if messaging translations are applied. 

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Editing Share Settings

If an End User wants to unshare a document with a user or location or add additional recipients of the document, they would simply go to the document in their My Documents area, click Edit Share and update the sharing specifications for that document (deselect users/location or select additional users/locations). Clicking Share will update the document recipients. 

Reviewing Documents that Have Been Shared or Received

If a user wants to see what documents they have shared with others or have received, they can go to the Shared Documents tab in the My Documents area, provided that the "View Shared Documents" permission is enabled for that user.

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Users have the same actions with shared documents that they do with their own documents

  • Preview
  • Download
  • Reuse
  • Order
  • Pin to Board
  • Edit the Share