The Help Content Area for End Users

End Users can browse Help Content within their browser or view as a PDF on their device.

A Sample Help Content Area

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Browsing the Help Content Area

To access the Help Content area on the front end, End Users must have the permission "Can view help content". 

End Users can access the Help Content area on the Front End by clicking the ? in the right-hand corner of the application, between the Shopping Cart and the language selector. 

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Help Content can be viewed either in the browser or CampaignDrive can generate a PDF of the help content for the End User to download and view on their device. 

End Users can use the Previous and Next buttons to page through the help content or click on specific articles in the Table of Contents

Parent Level Articles/Sections

A Parent-level Help Content article will appear on a page by itself. 
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Nested Articles/Sections (Parent Level Article That's Associated with Other Articles)

A Parent-level article with related subsections will appear together on the same page. 

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