Accessing Order Information

Vendors have multiple ways to receive order information: email, the Vendor pickup area and CampaignDrive's Order Service/API.

Vendors can receive information about orders that have been placed in three different places:

  • The vendor pickup page in CampaignDrive
  • Order notifications that go to the vendor email inbox
  • Internal vendor systems that are connected to CampaignDrive via the Order Service/API

In all three situations, a vendor must have at least one email associated to an account within CampaignDrive to receive order information. 

Vendor Pickup Page

Vendors can view open and fulfilled orders by clicking Pickup link in the navigation bar. Note that each vendor will only see their own orders. If a system administrator is looking to access a vendor's pickup area, they will need to log in as the vendor. 

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The vendor pickup will show the vendor:

  • The order ID
  • The date the order was placed/the date the order was approved, if billing account approval is enabled
  • The user that placed the order and the location they placed the order from
  • The order shipping and tax, if calculated in the platform
  • If billing accounts are enabled for the vendor, then the account name and account number will appear. If credit card processing is enabled, then the account name and account number will not appear. 

To view the details of any particular order, click the View Order link. 

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The Order Details page lists:

  • The order line items, including the pricing item ID, the pricing item name, item details, quantity and SKU number. 
  • The shipping address information
  • The shipping method for the order.
  • Order comments, if applicable
  • Additional order attachments

There may also be a Download All button which will download the line item PDF plus any files attached to the order by the buyer.

Fulfilling an Order

To fulfill the order, enter the tracking number and click the Ship button. Several things happen when you click this button:

  • The buyer will receive a notification email informing them that their order has shipped.
  • The order will appear as Shipped on the Brand’s Order Report.
  • The order will appear on the Closed tab on the Vendor Pickup page.

Once the order is shipped, you can return to view the order details on the Closed tab.

Vendor Notification Email

A notification email will be sent to the email address listed in the vendor account when an order has been placed. A sample email is available below.

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The following information will be included in the email notification:

  • Buyer’s Name and Email Address
  • Order ID#
  • Order Date
  • Billing Account Name and Number (if billing account active)
  • Item Name, Order Quantity, SKU Number
  • Order Subtotal, Tax/Shipping (If Calculated in the platform), and the Order Total
  • Shipping Address
  • Shipping Method 
    • Available shipping methods are:
      • FedEx Ground
      • FedEx Standard Overnight
      • FedEx Priority Overnight
      • UPS Ground
      • UPS Standard Overnight
      • UPS Priority Overnight

If documents are being fulfilled, clicking the Download Order Contents link will download a hi-res version of the artwork file that can be used for production. 

If merchandise/promo items are being fulfilled, clicking the Download Order Contents link will download a picture of the item. 

Clicking the Review Order link will take the vendor to the specific order in the vendor pickup area where the vendor can review all information related to the order. 

Order Attachments

If any attachments are attached to the order, they will not be downloaded as part of the order contents. The vendor will need to go into the Vendor Pickup area to retrieve any attachments the End User uploaded to the order. 

Real-time Connection Between CampaignDrive and Vendor Fulfillment System

CampaignDrive has an Order Service that can transmit order information in real time to a vendor's fulfillment system and allow a vendor to send a tracking number back to CampaignDrive. This feature aims to increase vendor efficiency by eliminating the need to manually manage order intake via email or the vendor pickup page. 

Contact Pica9 if you are interested in connecting your CampaignDrive platform with a vendor fulfillment system.