Working with Flowing Text

Template Composers can use the Text Follows From feature to flow text between text boxes.

This feature allows you to designate text boxes for overflow content. Text Follows From can be used in both the Studio Compose and Longform End User interfaces. Text can flow from column to column and page to page. 

Setting Flowing Text

Text Flowing is controlled with the Text Follows From feature in the text layer pop-up. 

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 12.00.56 PM

Text flowing is set inside a text layer that is set to accept text. Nothing needs to be set in the originating text layer. Below is a screenshot of the originating layer. Note that the "Text Follows From" selector shows the default.

When setting up a layer to receive text, choose the parent layer from the drop-down selector. Any layers in the document that are not already set to receive text will show up as an available selection. The screenshot below shows that layer "Column 2" has been set to accept text from the "Parent Layer".  Also, note from the screenshot that layers need not be on the same page to receive text.


Once a text layer is set to receive content, it will be removed from the list because text layers can only either receive text or be an originating layer - they cannot do both.

Setting Multiple Layers to Receive Text from a Single Originating Layer

Text from an originating layer can flow into multiple text boxes.  Text will flow in the order that the text boxes are set up on a page (or pages).  Each text box that is to receive text should be assigned the SAME originating text layer (they are not "daisy-chained"  - cannot both send and receive content). The screenshot below shows that "Column 3" is also set to receive content from the "Parent Layer" text box. Since it is after "Column 2" on the template, once the "Column 2" text box is filled, the content will flow into the "Column 3" text box.

Styling a Recipient Layer

Text styling is required for all recipient text layers, to maintain the styling of the originating layer. At a minimum, the Template Composer must set a font size for the layer. Note that this doesn't have to match the source text layer. All flowing text will be styled with the styling of the source layer, there merely needs to be a styling tag in the receiving layer for the style to be maintained. Note in the screenshot below that the text that shows in the editor does not appear in the text box.

Overflow Text

Note that text content can still overflow if there is more text than the text-flowing layout can contain.  If text does overflow, the overflow warning will appear on the originating text layer.

Untagged Content Vs. Tagged Content

Text flowing can support both tagged and untagged content. It is recommended that the "text area" setting be turned on for text tags that are intended to be used in text-flowing workflows.

Multiple Text Flows

A template is not limited to a single set of text-flowing content. Multiple sets of text layers can be set up to flow independently.