FAQ: If I'm working with Pica9, what should I include in my installation package/instructions for template installation?

  • The creative analysis document which outlines the content management strategy
  • A user experience design document (a spreadsheet grid or a pre-created form work well) including the following:
    • Installation location - campaign or sub-campaign
    • List of templates for installation. Include for each template:
      • Template display name
      • Document type - digital, print, dynamic
      • Template output handling - downloadable, orderable, etc. If orderable, POD information - new or existing
  • All files to support installation
    • The native files for the templates themselves - one file for each template to be installed - for dynamic templates the files should match the sizes in the document list
    • A folder (or folders) to contain any additional image files needed to support the templates
    • A word document or spreadsheet that contains all text options for selectable text within the templates.