FAQ: How do "Required" and "Change" work together?

"Required" means the text box has to have content

"Change" means before finishing the template, the end user has to make a change. (Either by editing the content, or removing the content altogether.)

  • An admin can set a text box to have Change ON and have Required OFF: The end user must edit or remove the content.
    Note: The default text should never be a value that could actually populate in the field. For example, if John Smith was the default value and Change was turned on, then a person named John Smith couldn't complete the template. 
  • An admin can set a text box to have Change ON and have Required ON: The end user must edit the content, and there has to be content in the text box before the document is finished.
  • An admin can set a text box to have Change OFF and have Required ON: The end user can change or leave the content alone in a text box, as long as there's content when the document is finished.
  • An admin can set a text box to have Change OFF and have Required OFF: The end user can do nothing, they can edit the content or they could remove content all together.