Excluding Administrator Activity from Dashboard Reporting

Creating a "Reporting User" is a great way to ensure the accuracy of your reporting.

Having effective and accurate reporting is important to any organization. The best way to pull dashboard reporting that excludes Admin User activity is to create a "Reporting User" that only has access to locations that End Users are using. 

Action Steps: 

  • Create a new user called "Reporting User" and associate an email/password. You can create a new "Reporting" role or use an existing admin role that has reporting permissions. 
  • Apply locations to the user that are indicative of End User activity and do not apply locations that may be used for testing and review/approval. 
  • Click "Save"
  • Login as the new "Reporting User"
  • Go to Dashboard reporting and you'll see that the Dashboard will report on the subset of locations (those assigned to the Reporting User) and not your whole location table.