Dynamic Sizing: Front End Testing

It is critical to test the behavior of the dynamic template once all library sizes have been uploaded.  This needs to be done from the front end. Systematic testing will show how the templates behave with content management, as well as ensuring the sizing rules are producing the desired results. We recommend the following tests at a minimum, and in this order:

  • Test each library template at the original size. This will find any obvious issues with sizing rules
  • Test each of the most common sizes that will be used for the template
  • Test each template at 150% of its width and the original height
  • Test each template at 150% of its height and the original width
  • If 150% takes the template into the next library size, test just under the next size, whatever that is (Ex: the width of a template at 150% is 6”, but the next Library size is 5.85”. Make the width of the test 5.84” instead).

It is often helpful to have 2 windows open for these tests - one window open with front end version of the template and the other window with the back end of the library template being tested.  Check the front end, make any necessary adjustments to the back end, save the back end and refresh the front end to see the changes applied.