Editing Dynamic Templates in Campaigns

Here is an example of a dynamic template installed in a campaign. There are several key differences in the options and display from a regular template. 

  • There is no link on the template name. Instead, there is a down arrow that is a link. Clicking on the down arrow will show the list of installed library sizes and the links to edit them. Click the up arrow to hide the list.
  • The action items of “expire”, “delete” and “edit” apply to the entire dynamic template, not to the  library templates.  Clicking delete here will delete the whole dynamic template. To delete individual library templates, click the editing button to open the Campaign Item editor and click on the trash can icon next to the individual template. The installed template list is below the “Master Template” list.
  • You can add additional library templates by clicking on the box to the left of the template name (just as you did when installing the first library size).

Pro Tip: Dynamic template library sizes appear in the Campaign Templates tab just as regular Campaign Templates do. However, unlike regular templates, when a library size is deleted from a Campaign, it is ALSO deleted from the Campaign Template page.  This is different from a regular template, which remains in the Campaign Templates tab.