Expiring/Editing/Deleting Campaign Items

System Administrators can expire documents and make them unavailable to End Users, edit campaign item information and delete campaign items during system cleanup.

Campaign Item Information

Campaign item information is accessed on the Campaign Management page. The image below shows a campaign with campaigns/campaigns items within it.

Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 4.28.40 PM

Campaign Item Status

The bar next to the campaign item name indicates it's current status - green means the campaign is active and available for viewing on the front end and red means that it's inactive.

Campaign Item Page Structure

The campaign items inside the campaign appear on the left side of the page. When selected, information about the asset or template will appear on the right side of the page.

Expiring Campaign Items

CampaignDrive's Expire feature is used when documents created in the past have become out of date and System Administrators want to force End Users to access the updated template and create new documents. This might occur if there's been a brand logo or color update, if a product is out of stock or pricing has changed or another meaningful change has taken place within the template.  

Clicking the "Expire" icon (the clock icon) does the following:

  1. All approved documents created from this template will have an "EXPIRED" watermark and will be unusable for printing.
  2. Any saved drafts created from this template will no longer be available.
  3. Any documents pending approval will automatically be rejected with the reason
    "This document was created from an expired version of the template."
  4. Any shared documents will immediately be removed from the Shared Documents tab and the document will no longer be sharable.
  5. Any print orders in the shopping cart will be removed from the cart.
  6. Any print orders pending approval will immediately be rejected with the reason
    "This document was created from an expired version of the template."
  7. Any print orders that have already been approved are assumed to be in the process of being fulfilled and will not be expired.

Note that expiring does not hide the template or make it unavailable. If the template is no longer in use, it will need to be deactivated or deleted from the campaign.

Once a template and its documents have been expired, this action cannot be undone. Templates and documents cannot be unexpired. 

System Administrators can see how often a template has been expired and when it was last expired in Dashboard's Generated Documents Report under the Top 5 Templates to Generate a Document chart. 

Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 6.04.18 PM

Editing Campaign Items

To edit the information about a campaign item, click the "Gear" icon. This will open up the form on the right side of the page for editing.  Once all edits are made, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the form to apply the edits.

Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 4.32.35 PM

Deleting Campaign Items

To delete a campaign item, click the "Trash Can" icon. Note that this will NOT delete the actual template or asset, just its association with the campaign and details about the campaign item (start date/end date/segmentation strategy/print options/pricing items, etc).

The following will happen, depending on the item type:

  • If a campaign is deleted from another campaign (“un-nested”), then the campaign will appear as a top-level campaign on the Campaigns page in the global priority order.
  • If a print/digital campaign item is deleted the template will still appear in the Campaign Templates table, but will now show N/A in the campaign column and the only options available are “Clone to Master” or “Delete.”

    To make a duplicate or assign the template to another campaign, use the Clone to Master feature. To delete it completely from the Campaign Templates table, use the Delete feature.  
  • If an asset is removed, the original asset will remain in the Media Library.
  • If an HTML campaign item is removed, the  template will remain in the HTML Templates table