Dynamic Templates Campaign Items

Special settings for working with dynamically sized campaign items.

A dynamic set of templates appears in the Campaign Information as shown below:

The Display Name is not a link, since the information is for the whole group and this name is not actually a template.  A drop-down arrow appears next to the clock icon.  Clicking the arrow will open up a menu that displays every template within the set. These are the actual templates within this dynamic set and clicking on the template name here will open up the template for editing.


Clicking the trash can here will delete the entire group of templates. To add or delete individual templates, click the gear icon. New templates may be added from the Master Template list. All the templates currently assigned to the dynamic set appear below. To delete any of them, click the associated trash can.

Note: If a campaign template that is assigned to a dynamic ad set is cloned, the clone will also be associated with the same dynamic ad set.