Viewing User Uploaded Images

How to review images in the Media Library that users have uploaded inside templates.

CampaignDrive allows for administrators to view user uploaded images, which appear in the "User Images" category in the Media Library. This feature supports brand compliance and asset management goals by helping administrators understand the types of images end users are uploading. Reviewing user-uploaded assets as a group in one place permits admins to review items in bulk quickly, catch outliers and provide coaching to franchisees/users in real time.

Any brand on your platform where users have uploaded images will have a "User Images" category:

These categories can be selected individually to make is easier to view by brand OR, by typing "User Images" into the text search box, you can quickly view all user uploaded images on your entire site:

Clicking on the information link for any asset will bring up the information pane to show the information around when, where and who uploaded the image.