Text Search in the Media Library

In addition to keywords, CampaignDrive has a text search feature that allows a user to search the Media Library for a word or phrase in the asset's title, description, or filename. Here are the rules related to text search:

  • Text search is case insensitive so searching for "blue" will return assets with "Blue" and "blue" in the asset's title, description or filename.
  • You must enter the exact sequence of letters you want to search for; searching for "bean" will NOT produce search results for "beans".
  • Text search works for single words only; to search for multiple words, use a comma or a space between words, for example, searching for "coffee, beans" will return the same results as "coffee beans".
  • You can use text search for asset file type (pdf, jpg, doc, etc.)
  • Text search is an AND search. If you search for the text "blue", your search results will display all assets with "blue" anywhere in the asset's title, description, or filename. If you then add a space and the word "square" to your text search, your search results will display assets containing "blue" and "square". The more keywords you add to the search filter, the fewer results you will have. If no results return, remove the least important search term. 
  • You can use a combination of keyword search and text search at the same time.

 Remember that this search is within the Media Library.  To search for an asset added to a campaign, you must use the Campaigns search function.