Analyzing Documents Created in Your CampaignDrive Instance via the Documents Report

Review the document creative, status and share pieces with other users/locations in the platform.

Creating the Report

System Administrators can filter documents by a specific date range and other data points (shown below) to refine their search results: 

  • Campaign
  • Campaign Template
  • User
  • Location
  • Brand
  • Status

Note for Longform Templates: 

Campaign Template is not an applicable filter for longform templates and should not be used. 

Systems Administrators also can search for a template, word, or phrase in the search bar. The report results can be exported and downloaded as a .CSV file. 

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 4.25.45 PM

In the report results area, you will see several different sortable fields you can use to sort your data. Please see below for an explanation of each of these fields.

Document ID: Specific ID for each document created or saved

Campaign: The name of the campaign the document was generated from 

Campaign Template: The name of the template the document was generated from 

User: First and last name of the user who created, saved, or generated the document

Location:  The location the user was logged in as when they created, saved, or generated the document

Brand: The brand the End User was logged in under when they created, saved, or generated the document

Date Created: The date the user first created or saved the document. All time is in GMT.

Status: Shows the current status of the document. The following are the possible statuses:
Draft, Pending, Rejected, Approved.

Actions: Actions available for the viewer of this report on a specific document. You will have the choice of View (this downloads a PDF to your computer) or Share (share that specific document with any other user or location in CampaignDrive). Please note you will only have these action options for Approved, Pending, and Rejected documents and not Draft documents.