Uploading Assets and Associating Metadata

Assets are images, videos, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, .CSV files, slide presentations, ZIP files, audio files, videos, etc. Almost any type of file can be uploaded and stored in the Media Library. Check the list of Asset Types in the admin section of your site for a complete list of the file extensions installed on your site.

Steps to Upload Assets

  1. Click “Media Library” menu  from top navigation bar
  2. Select “Upload an Asset” from drop-down menu and click “Add Files”
  3. Select the images you want to upload from the pop-up options and click “Start Upload”
  4. Fill in the required sections marked with an (*)
    Note that you don't have to fill in the required sections for each asset if the assets share like information. Populate one assets and use the "Copy Info to All Assets" feature to batch update your assets (this will copy keywords, Category and Services information to all other assets.). Then fill in the remaining information that is unique. 

Pro Tip: Define the assets using the description, keywords and other metadata options available. This will help you in finding your assets quickly. For new clients, it may be helpful to have an internal document that lists the segmentation strategy and asset information for each asset. 

If you need to pause while uploading assets,  the "Save All" button will save your work but not release assets to the Media Library. Once you're ready to publish the assets, simply click the "Release Assets" button. 

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Adding Title and Description Text

You can associate an asset with a title and description field. Content in this field will be searched via the text search function. To be searchable, words must be separated by spaces and not connected via underscores or hyphens. 

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Adding Services

Services create a "walled garden of content" that is only available to users who should have access to that content. If the user's location is associated with a service tagged to an asset, then the user will be able to see that asset. 

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Assigning Categories

Assets must be assigned to at least one category to be available to End Users, though they can be assigned to more than one. New categories must be created either before or during the asset upload process. 

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Assigning Assets to Brands, Regions, or Locations

Assets can be made available to entire Brands (the asset will be available to all users with access to the brand); Regions (the asset will be available to all users who are logged into a location that's assigned to the same Region); Locations (the asset will be available to all users who are logged into the same location). 

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Assigning Usage Rights

Documentation regarding an asset's specific usage rights can be assigned during upload.

If there are no usage rights, then the asset will be designated as Royalty Free.

If there are usage rights, then the asset can be associated with a PDF of the usage rights and the usage rights expiration date. Pica9 can set up an email notification for when an asset is reaching or has passed its usage right expiration date. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information. 

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