Segmented vs. Non-Segmented Document Approvers

CampaignDrive allows for all document approvers to review all documents or for certain documents to be reviewed by a specified document approver based on brand, location or location group.

System Administrators have the option of setting specific documents on an approval loop prior to making the final document available for use. This means that the document approver can review photo options, text selections, and any custom content an End User might have added. This is an optional workflow that customers can implement in CampaignDrive on a per-campaign item basis and is called an Approval Loop. The phrase approval loop refers to the ability to submit > reject > resubmit the same document as many times as needed until the document is approved. Document approvers must be set up in the system to manage this workflow.

Document Approvers

Document approval permissions are managed by user roles. Any user in the CampaignDrive platform can become a document approver by being assigned a role with the relevant permissions to approve documents. (Can approve/reject print documents and/or Can approve/reject HTML documents). Users with the additional permission Can manage document approver settings can designate the document approver(s) for the platform. 

Document approvers have access to the Document Approval page within CampaignDrive. This page will allow document approvers to:

  • Approve the document for use by the Document Creator
  • Provide in-app instructions to the Document Creator on what needs to be corrected in the document in order to gain approval
  • Modify the document himself and then approve it.

Creating  Document Approvers

Once a role has been defined that includes the approval permissions, assign the users that will be performing approval tasks to this role.

Note that any role with this permission turned on will receive the communications relevant to document approval and have access to this feature. To prevent unwanted communications to a large group of users, choose the users for this role wisely and ensure that only the necessary users have a role that includes this permission.

Managing Document Approval Features

There are two types of document approval approaches in CampaignDrive:

  • Non-segmented document approval -  anyone who has a role with the appropriate permission is automatically an approver, will receive emails, have access to the approval page, and can approve/modify/reject documents.
  • Segmented document approval - Certain users are designated as approvers at the brand, location, or location group level. Only these users will receive emails, have access to the approval page, and can approve/modify/reject documents. These users will still need to have a role with the appropriate permission.

Segmenting document approvers by brand and by location will allow you to have more focused teams approving documents.

You cannot have both segmented and non-segmented approvers in CampaignDrive. If you elect to use segmented approval:

  • Only those document approvers who are designated in the Document Approver Settings as brand, location, or location group document approvers will be able to review and approve those respective documents.
  • You can have brand-based approvers, location-based approvers, and location-group-based approvers. If you have location or location group-based approvers, then it's best to have a few if any, brand approvers to avoid confusion about who is supposed to approve which documents. 
  • You can have the same approvers as both brand and location approvers.

Managing Segmented Approvers

Segmented approvals are managed from a link in the navigation bar. If you do not see the Document Approvals tab or do not see the Document Approver Settings link under that tab, please contact your Customer Success Manager, who will verify that you have the Can manage document approver settings permission so you can manage segmented approvers. Remember that, before segmented approval can be set up, a role needs to be created with the appropriate permissions.

To activate segmented approval:

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  • Click the Enable Segmented Approval checkbox. Note that once this is checked, only users marked as either a brand, location, or location group approver will get notification emails and be able to review documents. If no user is added here, there will be no document approvers.
  • Click on one of the three links to assign users as either Brand, Location Group or Location approvers.

To de-activate segmented approval:

  • To disable segmented approval, un-check the box. This will revert the approval workflow back to anyone with the approvals permission in their role.

Managing Segmented Approvers

Adding Segmented Document Approvers

  • Click the Brand Approvers, Location Group Approvers, or Location Approvers button.
  • Select the brand or location in the drop-down on the left.
  • Click your cursor inside the Approvers box. Select a user from the drop-down that appears. Note that the list of users will only include those with access to the brand, location, or location group and who have the permission to approve print/digital/HTML documents.
  • To add another approver, select another user from within the dropdown list.
  • Click Save after assigning your approvers.

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Removing Segmented Document Approvers

  • On the Assign (Brand or Location or Location Group) Approver page, select the brand, location, or location group to see the list of approvers for that brand, location, or location group.
  • To remove approvers, click the "x" near the approver's name.
  • Click Save.