Introduction to Content Management Tags

High level overview of how tags work in CampaignDrive.

Tag Overview

A “tag” is a feature in CampaignDrive that creates dynamic content within the template. The type of customization depends on the type of tag chosen. With one exception, tags are used to customize text. Tags may be set up to allow the end user to edit the  custom information displayed by the tag or to restrict the end user from editing this information.

For the Administrator: Tags are assigned during template composition to produce a specific user experience. Almost without exception, tags should be used whenever a template has text that is customizable in order to eliminate the end user interacting with the WYSIWYG editor. The admin user controls whether or not the tag is editable by the end user. If editability has been enabled on a tag, a form is created on the front end for the end user to use in customizing the tag information.

For the End User: If a tag has been set up to allow editability, then the end user will interact with the template via the form to edit the tag information.  The process depends on the kind of tag. If the tag is set up to automatically pull in information that is not editable by the end user, the user does not interact with the content and the tagged content essentially becomes part of the “background” of the template.

For the most part, tags are used to customize and control the styling of text information. Only content tags allow tagging of images and we will address that use case specifically.  Otherwise, assume that all the information in this document pertains to text content. Assigning a tag to text creates the ability for the admin user to have control over several kinds of options for content. Here is a list of some of the controls that tags provide:

  • Provide the ability for an end user to adjust the default text without giving them the ability to re-style that text (admin user controls the style)
  • Provide a selection of text options for an end user to choose from without giving them the ability to edit that text
  • Provide a selection of text options for an end user to choose from WITH the ability to edit the text
  • Provide different styling options such as font color, font size and font style, with or without the option to edit the text itself
  • Provide a text field that automatically fills in the user information, such as name, email address, phone number, with or without the ability for the end user to edit that information
  • Provide a text field that automatically fills in the location information of the current location within the system (or, in conjunction with section styles, more than one location)
  • Provide a text or image field that automatically fills in custom information that the admin user has set up within the Content Database.

Types of Tags

Tags can be broken down into two main types:

Simple form field tags

  • Text tags
  • Select tags

Data tags

Standard Data Tags 

  • User tags and Location tags are standard data tags. 

Custom Data Tags 

  • Content tags (used in conjunction with the Content Database)

The first four types of tags; Text, Select, User and Location, are all handled and styled in the same way. Content Tags are handled and styled differently. This distinction is important to remember, as there are benefits and limitations to each choice. Any of the first four types of tags can be used together in the same text layer and may also be used in location section styles. Content tags can be used with other content tags, but not with any other tag type and also may not be used within location section style templates.